

German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA)

Database description

Via DPMAregister, the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) provides statutory publications as well as information on current legal and procedural status data on patents, utility models, trademarks, indications of geographical origin and registered designs.
There are various options to conduct a search, from the Basic search mode to the Expert search mode. Configurable, sortable and downloadable result lists are available for your search. For individual results, the current register information pages containing the respective legal and procedural status data will be displayed. The register entry can be printed out or downloaded. You will thereby receive the complete register extract.

Legal status
Search results
Patent Collections
General search tools

Smart search
Uncomplicated, convenient option to search all IP rights held in DPMAregister using only one search item.

Basic search
Select this mode if you are a newcomer or have little IP searching experience.

Advanced search
The “Advanced” mode goes beyond the “Basic” mode and allows you to search in various search fields and to individually link the selected fields.

Expert search
Select the Expert mode if you are experienced in searches. This search mode allows you to create more complex search queries

International Patent Classification

Result list columns
File number, Type of IP right, Applicant/owner, Application date, Title, Registration date, Inventor, IPC main class, IPC secondary class(es), Status, Date of first publication, Representative […]

All the panel views can be printed and downloaded.

Search results

RSS feeds to monitor changes

DPMAkurier allows automated monitoring of IP rights in DPMAregister. Upon a first-time registration, you will receive information on new publications and register updates on a regular basis. The e-mails are sent on a daily, weekly or monthly basis – depending on the selected delivery frequency. The e-mail will contain information on the results or register updates and a link to the respective data record in DPMAregister.

You have the following options for monitoring:
• Monitoring legal and procedural status data by
file numbers/publication numbers
• Monitoring IP rights by names
• Monitoring IP rights by classes
• Monitoring IP rights by a combination of name and class

There is no limitation to the number of monitoring
requests to be submitted.

Data export

In the Register users can download search results in csv or xlsx format with the following information: title, application number, publication number, applicant names, representative names, IPC.
ST36 data download is possible in the panel views “About this file”, “Legal status”, “Federated Register”, “Event history”, “Citations” and “Patent family”.
The file inspection “All documents” panel view, can be downloaded in pdf format.

Non-patent data

Non-patent literature
The Register includes references to non-patent literature (NPL) citations.

Subscription to the Patent Gazette. You will receive the link to the PDF version of the complete publications or parts thereof on a regular basis.

Online file inspection
As from 7 January 2014, you have the option of online file inspection of patent and utility model files.

General operators
Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)
Comparison (e.g. >, =<)
Proximity (within range)

? any number of characters or no characters
! precisely one character
# one character or no characters

- Boolean operators, AND or OR can be used to combine terms in the search query
- comparison operators: “=”, “>=”, “<=”, “within” to be used with a date-related field identifier to specify periods of time

Left truncation
Right truncation

Bibliographic data – At least one of the following is available: publication number, filing number, grant number, publication date, filing date, grant date, applicant name, assignee name, inventor name, patent classification.
Partial text – At least one of the following (but not all) are available: title, abstract, description, claims.
Full text – All of the following are available (where applicable for the given jurisdiction): description, claims