The Lens/Cambia
Three patent databases are available from The Lens: Patents, PatCite and PatSeq.
Lens Patents API will be available in Q4 2020.
PatSeq is searchable by sequences.
A variety of analytical tools are available.
Legal Status will be added in Q4 2020.
Search results and be turned into Lens Collections that are automatically updated. The results and the Lens Collections can be shared openly.
Lens Collections and Lens Reports can be created and shared publicly and privately based on user setting.
Lens Collections allow the user to curate a set of content specific to their interest and then save and automatically update that content with updated information.
The analytical tools are fully configurable and can be designed by the users.
The Lens includes design rights.
The Lens coverage of non-patent literature (NPL) includes metadata about over 210 million documents.