LexisNexis TotalPatent One®

Database package
LexisNexis TotalPatent One

LexisNexis Intellectual Property

Fee paying
Database description

LexisNexis TotalPatent One® is a patent search platform allowing for comprehensive research. It searches issued patents, published patent applications, utility models and design patents globally. With more than 135 million documents from 107 authorities (including full-text from 67 authorities), it is one of the largest collection of searchable PDFs and English translation of 100+ million of documents, users can easily perform comprehensive FTO and novelty searches. Interface available in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK). Translations available from non-English to English and from English to CJK. For patent analytics, there is a one-click entry into LexisNexis PatentSight.

Search results
Cooperative Patent Classification
Patent Collections
General search tools
General search tools
Non-Latin character search
Search history queries
Similarity search

Search history queries - all search queries are automatically saved and users can choose to compare, combine, export, or delete them if they wish

Similarity Search - within each document retrieved there is a listing of similar documents based on an analysis of the language in the title and abstract. Also for a given set of documents return similar one, with ability to vary the required similarity for documents to be returned

Cooperative Patent Classification
International Patent Classification
US Patent Classification

ECLA & Locarno also available

Value-added data
Value added data
Standardized applicant names
Standardized ID numbers

Searchable PDF documents using high-quality optical character recognition.

Patent family data
Patent family data

Artificial- We have 4 different family types using a unique algorithm so you can view families as you desire
The domestic family consists of all subsequent publications of the same application within the same authority, i.e. the documents all share the same application number.
The main family consists of a set of patent documents filed in multiple countries to protect a single invention by a common inventor(s) and an exact match of priority data (INID 30). This family type is the equivalent to the Simple Patent Family according to the EPO definition.
Complete- "The complete family consists of a set of patent documents filed in multiple countries that are directly or indirectly linked to one root document based on priorities (as defined under INID 30).
The extended family consists of a set of patent documents filed in multiple countries that are directly or indirectly linked to one root document where the linking is beyond priority numbers and includes documents such as a continuation-in-part, divisional or provisional. This family is our equivalent of the EPO's Inpadoc family.
INPADOC: Available in TotalPatent One via a link to the EPO site at the document level

Index lists
Index lists
Applicant name
Corporate tree

Applicant name- TotalPatent One offers an Object Search with a "type ahead" dropdown for assignee names. We have various assignee fields including: original assignee, standardized assignee, normalized assignee.
Corporate tree- TotalPatent One has embedded and linked the corporate hierarchy data from the Directory of Corporate Affiliations showing all sub-levels up and down of a company that contains a DCA listing

Results type
Keyword in context (KWIC) highlighting
Keyword map
Machine translation
Sorting by relevance
Translated titles and/or abstracts

Annotations can be made at the document level, color-coded and are searchable
Keyword map- keyword occurrence shows the number of hits for a term in the results list broken out by title, abstract, claims and description, each with a separate color
Machine translations- in both directions - from non-English to English and from English to Chinese, Japanese and Korean
Translated titles and/or abstracts- along with translated claims and descriptions
Overview for both family and at patent level of invention
Flagging through annotations made to documents

Analysis data
Applicant and/or inventor

Applicant and/or inventor - graphical pie chart filters and text filters
Classification- CPC & IPC (graphical pie chart filters and text filters
Dates- Priority, Publication & Application Years (graphical pie chart filters and text filters), Reporting Date (all active patents at a given point in time)

Legal status
Search results

Bibliographic data
Citation data
Classification data
Description and/or Claims data
Full document scans (PDF) data
Legal status data
Title and/or Abstract data

Data export
Data Export
Bibliographic data
Description and/or claims
Full document scans
Legal status
Title and/or abstract

Dossier (file wrappers) data is available from companion product LexisNexis Patent Advisor
Images are available

Collaboration tools
Collaboration tools
Shared workfiles
General operators
Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)
Comparison (e.g. >, =<)
Proximity (within range)
Wildcard operators
0-1 characters
1 character
Unlimited characters
Center truncation
Left truncation
Right truncation

Bibliographic data – At least one of the following is available: publication number, filing number, grant number, publication date, filing date, grant date, applicant name, assignee name, inventor name, patent classification.
Partial text – At least one of the following (but not all) are available: title, abstract, description, claims.
Full text – All of the following are available (where applicable for the given jurisdiction): description, claims