LexisNexis® PatentSight+TM

Database package
PatentSight+ is an IP intelligence and analytics solution helping customers to understand the innovation space and to benchmark their innovative strength, analyze individual patents or technologies - or even to forecast trends and create what-if scenarios. Featuring a proprietary, completely transparent metric - the Patent Asset Index - users can evaluate the relevance of patent portfolios. PatentSight+ makes patent data easily accessible so that it can be analyzed and is actionable.

LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions

Fee paying
Database description

Highlights: Fully flexible analytics and search; value metrics; manually checked and enriched patent ownership

Legal status
Search results
Identity search
Patent Collections
General search tools
General search tools
Search history queries
Similarity search

Search history queries: all search queries are automatically saved (optionally disabled) and users can choose to compare, combine, export, or delete them if they wish.

Similarity Search: search via dedicated similarity searching tool with one or many patents, and user defined similarity required for returned patents.

Quick Insights: an easy way to access the charts and tables PatentSight+ has to offer directly from the homepage. As its name suggests, it is a quick access tool to analyses based on simple search filters.

Custom fields: allows to insert own data into PatentSight+ and to analyze groups of patent families predefined by the user. They not only support mapping of text information but also mapping of numeric information to patent families – all is needed is to import such information into PatentSight+.

Cooperative Patent Classification
International Patent Classification
US Patent Classification

Additional classifications: FDA Orange Book, ETSI declarations
AI-Driven Technology Clusters: Complete database is pre-clustered by an AI providing an alternative classification scheme where one patent is in a single classification through PatentSight+ platform.
Expert Technology Fields: Using PatentSight+, get manually defined application based technology fields by experts such as the CHPTO (IP-search).
Standard Essential Patent Declaration: Conduct SEP searches across various technologies or integrate your patent analysis with SEP insights for a holistic view. Curated and clean data from IPlytics offers SEP data beyond publicly available data sources.

Value-added data
Value added data
Harmonized titles and/or abstracts

Fully Harmonized Owner: PatentSight+ has a full team dedicated to ensure thorough manual review and primary research that all of an owners assets are included under them, including majority owned subsidiaries

Value Metrics: PatentSight+ utilizes a scientifically developed patented methodology named Patent Asset Index(TM), and sub-metrics, commonly used in investor relations and by government bodies (such as the European Commission's DG Competition).

Patent family data
Patent family data


Index lists
Index lists
Applicant name
Corporate tree
Results type
Keyword in context (KWIC) highlighting
Machine translation
Translated titles and/or abstracts

Annotation: combine own datasets with patent data. Using Custom Fields any data can be record on the patent, in tool or via upload. This can be notes, text categories or numerical values, all of which can be subsequently used in any analyses.

Translated titles and/or abstracts: along with translated claims and descriptions

Overview: Both family and Patent level overview of the invention

Analysis data
Applicant and/or inventor
Invention text

SDG: Mapping of patent families to each of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) or technology.
Applicant and/or inventor: available as groupings in all charts and tables
Classification: available as groupings in all charts and tables
Dates: priority, filing, grant, publication, expected/actual expiry dates for both countries and family overall. Also reporting date (all active patents at a given point in time)
Tables: fully customizable with all groupings and metrics
Charts: bar, column, pie, line, bubble, map, sunburst. All fully customizable
Dashboards: combine charts and tables into a single screen to create meaningful dashboard, or a multiple sheets to tell a story
Presentations: export any analysis as a PowerPoint on your own corporate master template, with active excel graphics including data behind
Custom Data: import, or create in tool, any custom data. Both numerical and text are possible, which can be further used in analyses

Legal status

Scientific developed and industry-proven metrics
Legal status: including all history and statuses
Ultimate Owner concept: manually ensured ownership and corporate structure
AI driven classifiers, Quick Insights, Playbooks, Standard Essential Patents, and Litigation Data

Data export
Data Export
Bibliographic data
Full document scans
Legal status
Title and/or abstract

Additional exports:
- Images
- Videos: chart animations built over time
- PDF: export of all analyses into a single PDF file ready for sharing and presentation
- PowerPoint: using PatentSight+ Smart Reports add-on you can export presentation-ready reports to PowerPoint

Collaboration tools
Collaboration tools
Shared workfiles

Additional Collaboration Tools:
Notes and Comments: comment on patents or sets of patents in PatentSight for your own reference or to share with colleagues

General operators
Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)
Comparison (e.g. >, =<)
Proximity (within range)
Wildcard operators
0-1 characters
1 character
Unlimited characters
Center truncation
Left truncation
Right truncation

Bibliographic data – At least one of the following is available: publication number, filing number, grant number, publication date, filing date, grant date, applicant name, assignee name, inventor name, patent classification.
Partial text – At least one of the following (but not all) are available: title, abstract, description, claims.
Full text – All of the following are available (where applicable for the given jurisdiction): description, claims