LexisNexis® TechDiscovery

Database package
LexisNexis®TechDiscovery, part of the PatentSight+ platform, is a solution for quick and efficient technology exploration. With just a few keywords or a brief description, the powerful generative AI and machine learning algorithms can instantly generate an overview of patent landscapes, providing users with patent families to discover new spaces or countercheck existing searches. TechDiscovery is your gateway to unlocking new opportunities, reducing time-to-market, and staying ahead of the curve.

LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions

Fee paying
Similarity search
Search history queries
Semantic search
Patent Collections
General search tools
General search tools
Cross-lingual semantic search
Non-Latin character search
Search history queries
Semantic search
Similarity search

Easy search starting from a few keywords. No need to have any IP-related knowledge. Limited technology-related knowledge needed.

Further refinement of the results by marking relevant and irrelevant results and updating the set.

Easily export to another tool.

​​Search input can be a word, a phrase, a piece of text, a patent number and combination of all of these.

​Similar family search involving two processes:

​1. Creation of a comparative set of patents through generative AI based on the input information

2. ​Similar family AI search that pulls back similar patents

​Refining the search through selecting a few patents that are very relevant and even excluding patents that are not and re-run the search ​.

Value-added data
Value added data
Harmonized titles and/or abstracts
Standardized applicant names
Standardized ID numbers
Patent family data
Patent family data

​​Results can be viewed in full detail, sorted by relevance and further refined.​

Analysis data
Applicant and/or inventor
Invention text
Data export
Data Export
Legal status
Title and/or abstract

​​Export your search results as CSV or Excel files, or copy familiy representatives or all family members.​

Collaboration tools

​​Democratization of the patent search among R&D teams.​

General operators
Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)

Bibliographic data – At least one of the following is available: publication number, filing number, grant number, publication date, filing date, grant date, applicant name, assignee name, inventor name, patent classification.
Partial text – At least one of the following (but not all) are available: title, abstract, description, claims.
Full text – All of the following are available (where applicable for the given jurisdiction): description, claims