European Patent Office (EPO)
The EPO's PATSTAT database is of relevance in the field of patent intelligence and statistics. It helps you perform sophisticated statistical analyses of bibliographical and legal event patent data. PATSTAT contains bibliographical and legal event patent data from leading industrialized and developing countries. This is extracted from the EPO’s databases.
Use the full potential of SQL to query PATSTAT Online. The Beginner module helps you to write simple queries, that can be refined in the expert mode.
CPC codes are linkable to technological fields and NACE industry classification.
The simple and Extended family are contained and pre-calculated. Any other patent family can be calculated and used based on their definition.
Any existing or on-the-fly computed field can be retrieved and sorted.
The database design and the possibility to write queries in T-SQL language allow to implement customized statistical analyses. There are almost no limits how to analyze statistically the worldwide patent data in DOCDB (which is the basis of Espacenet), INPADOC data for worldwide legal events and the European Patent Register data.
Non patent literature references only.
All T-SQL wildcard characters and operators are possible.