IP Australia via data.gov.au
Intellectual Property Government Open Data (IPGOD)—is a publicly available data set that provides access to over 100 years of information from IP Australia on IP rights applications. By providing a ‘one-stop shop’ for administrative data, it allows you to research the classification of IP rights, linkages between Australian and international IP rights, and the history of IP transfers and exchanges across time.
A detailed data dictionary is available with the data download. IP Australia is the official patent registrar for Australia. Data.gov.au is the Australian Government’s central website for public data.
IPGOD is a supply of raw data for users to ingest into their own search and analysis systems. It includes linkage for owners of patents across different applications and historical records of ownership transfer. It also includes records of process events in the lifecycle of the patent.
IPGOD contains information about applicants, classification records and dates in the lifecycle of an application.
IPGOD includes applicant ID numbers and some name standardization.
IPGOD includes information about patents, designs, trademarks and plant breeder’s rights.