


Fee paying
Database description

PatSeer is a product and custom software solution for patent research, data analysis, and project management.
PatSeer includes a full-text patent collection including several unique in-house collections. The addition of AI-driven capabilities, analytics, and visualization tools, as well as the ability to carry out non-patent literature searches from within the product, makes it a complete patent searching tool and an attractive product for any patent researcher, analyst, IP professional, law firms, IP counsel and Competitive Intelligence analysts and so on.
Its powerful search and analytics platform helps you do the FTOs, patent scoring, qualitative analysis, SEP searching, technology landscaping, white space analysis, deep text mining with an easy-to-understand interface.
You can create a centralized work environment, collaborate on your patent data projects within your organization or with external collaborators with ease. This helps in faster decision-making as you can share interactive charts and graphs to recipients via the platform itself. You can set up multiple Dashlets that include a combination of patent fields and custom fields. In PatSeer, you can also set alerts to the queries for the technology you are working on. You can also monitor the changes in any particular patent number be it the addition of a new family member, forward citations, and so on.
PatSeer is now seamlessly integrated with Single Sign-On (SSO) for a more secure and convenient user experience.

Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)
Proximity (within range)
Non-Latin character search
Patent Collections
General search tools
General search tools
Non-Latin character search
Semantic search
Similarity search

Search Forms: Multiple search forms to suit different types of users. Quick Search, Command-Line, AI Search, Litigation Search Form, Non-Latin, NPL, and Number Search.
- Non-Patent Literature Search: Get access to prominent science and engineering databases via a single integrated search interface.
- Manage Searches: See all the past searches. Combine complex search strings or Save search strategies using the search scripting option.
- Cross-language searching: Useful composite fields allow you to search across patent content in 9+ languages in a single query.
- Semantic Suggester: See keywords or concepts that are technically related to your search and improve search precision.
- Hybrid Searching (On the basis of families and publications)
- AI Refine, AI Rerank and AI Recommender
- AI-driven Claims Diff Tool
- Chem Look-up
-Assignee/Inventor name variation lookup
-Corporate Tree Lookup – should be included
- Syntax Convertor
- Field Intellisense
- Searching within Description of Drawing field.
- Prior/Background Art Section within Description
- Summary of Invention (Within Description)
- Advantage of Invention (Within Description)
- Searching within the first claim
- Searching within the independent claim
- Search Scripting
- See the Synonym at the time of entering the keywords
- Classification Search (Full- hierarchy, same level)
- Annotations
- Search on the basis of expiry dates
- Multiple filters to narrow down search results / Customizable filters

Biological and chemical search tools
Biological and chemical search tools

Chem Lookup - The Chem lookup feature provides you with a set of matching compound synonyms, Industry names, molecular formulas, and registry numbers for an input chemical or compound name.
Lookup By Chemical Registry Number - Easy to lookup CAS Registry number or CAS Number in Chem Lookup option, when you enter CAS number, the system internally looks up CAS Registry Number and returns the respective chemical substance that matches the CAS Number with its details and all other synonyms.

Cooperative Patent Classification
International Patent Classification
US Patent Classification

- CPC, US and International (IPC) Class Descriptions integrated into the search results for instant lookup.
- Search by All text fields, US, IPC(8-9), IPC(1-7), CPC and Locarno classifications
- Japanese F-I/F-Terms with definitions
- Topics
- Industry classifications
-Tech Domain & Tech Sub-Domain

Value-added data
Value added data
Harmonized titles and/or abstracts
Standardized applicant names
Standardized ID numbers

- Patents : Value added fields: Independent Claims • Summary or Object of Invention • Prior Art description • Pharmaceutical Examples • Description of Drawings • Patent-Technical Domain mapping • Patent-Industry Mapping
- AI Tools such as Rerank, Refine and Recommender
- AI Summary and Claims Summary
- AI Classifier
-AI-driven Claims Diff Tool
- Searching and Analysis of Unitary Patents
- Invalidity and Infringement Prior Art Searches
- Patent Scoring / Quality metrics
- Scientific Literature
- Designs
- Standards
- Companies
- Litigations & Oppositions
- Legal Status
- Significant Legal Status Events
- Corporate Tree: Integrated Corporate Tree for Assignee’s within search page so that you can lookup subsidiaries and include them in your company searches
- Normalized Assignee Names.
- Semantic index of conceptually related terms for search assistance.
- Term Extensions
- Orange book data
- Estimated expiry dates
- Simple families and Extended families
- US maintenance data
- US file wrappers
- Patent related statistical fields

Patent family data
Patent family data

- Both Simple and Extended Family information integrated into results
- You can choose to collapse results by either Simple or Extended Family
- You can also set a country preference

Index lists
Index lists
Applicant name
Corporate tree
Field index search
Invention text
Results type
Keyword in context (KWIC) highlighting
Keyword map
Machine translation
Sorting by relevance
Translated titles and/or abstracts

Once you are on the Result Page, you will have a variety of options that will help you screen through the results and also dig deeper into the same.
-AI Tools such as Rerank, AI Refine and AI Recommender
- AI Summary and AI Claims Summary
-AI-driven Claims Diff Tool
- Multiple Result Views
- Keyword-in-Context View
- Drawings View
- Custom View
- Detailed View - Claims Comparison, Claims Tree, Summary of Inventions, Advantage of Inventions
- Result-Set Hit Analysis Map
- Side-by-side View
- Term Highlighting
- Key Concepts Cloud (KWIC)
- Drawing Legend Viewer
- Integrated Filters – the filters easily help you to go the records of choice
-Project / Workfiles: here you will be able to screen through the records and mark the relevancy using the below options:
- Categorizations
- Annotations
- Custom Fields (User defined fields)
- Ratings
- Comments (marking importance to patents)
- Record swapping to equivalent records
- Sub-projects

Analysis data
Applicant and/or inventor
Invention text

Qualitative and Quantitative Patent Analysis
- Specialized scoring model
- Portfolio Pruning
- Competitive bench-marking
- Strategic Quadrant charts
- Charts based on Quality Scores
- In/Out Licensing Analysis
- Trends & Innovation Timelines
- Layering – helps to add any number of dimensions over an existing chart
- Add a sub-search query as a new dimension to any chart
- Analysis on the basis of SEP
- Utilize the data-mining power of the platform to conduct analysis that is not possible due to export limitations or desktop CPU limitation
- Powerful UI that requires no-learning curve
- Multi-dimensional (X vs. Y) analysis using great looking charts, custom fields, hierarchical categorization, Flags, Ratings and more
- Interactive visualizations with full drill-down capability
- Clusters – This allows you to conduct full-text clustering of the records in your project. Text clustering helps identify important topics or concepts (clusters) from a set of documents
- Matrix: Easily convert any matrix into a Heatmap, a chart, or even export it to Excel.
- VizMap: Combines patent network analysis with semantic (contextual) spatial mapping thereby allowing users to not just view clusters and their contents but also analyze key relationships in their context.
- Autocleanup - allows you to merge/group together (normalize) similar or synonymous Assignee/Inventor/ Current Assignee/ Attorney names which appear in your search
- Competitive Intelligence
- Tech Mining
- Landscaping
- White space analysis
- Tech report
- Co-relation Mapping
- Multi-generation Citation Analysis
- One-Click Summary Reports
- Customizable Visual Dashboards
-One-click Navigation from Drawings to Full-text

Legal status
Search results

- Receive Email Alerts of any new record published in your area of interest (based on your search criterion).
- Monitor records and receive an alert if any changes are taking place to its family, forward citations, expiry of records, legal status and in case of US records, its reassignment and maintenance status
- Publication of record in a new country
- Receive weekly / monthly alerts in Word, CSV, XML and Excel
- You can also add records that you are to receive through alerts in projects
- Flexibility of selecting the export profile of choice while receiving the files through alerts.

Data export
Data Export
Bibliographic data
Description and/or claims
Full document scans
Legal status
Title and/or abstract

- Export records in ready to use Word, Excel, CSV, XML or PDF reports.
- Export the full text of the data in PDF format along with AI Summary
- Charts for key stats can also be included in Word, Excel and PDF reports
- Export family level information and all related fields
- Download patent numbers with hyperlinks that take you to PatSeer record link, PatSeer family link, EPO link or USPTO link
- Create export profile – select the fields of choice and create an export profile of same.

Collaboration tools
Collaboration tools
Shared workfiles

One-stop collaboration and sharing platform for Patents and Scientific Literature.
- Invite collaborators, setup Patent Dashlets®, and create workflows for ongoing tasks
- Create Multiuser analysis - Flagging and rating (Multiple team members can now assign and save their own ratings or flags in the same project)
-Share charts and matrix with ease
- Dashboard can be created by saving all the charts created using Quick Stats and VizMap based on the technology analysis and then shared with others.
- Control on who can see or edit what, create Permission Groups for the same
- Track the activity of the users with whom the data is shared
- Entire PatSeer Project can be shared with a non-PatSeer user
- Inside a project you can import patents and non-patent literature from various external sources
- Create an analysis on patents and journals simultaneously
- The records that are to be received through alerts can be directly added to a project while setting an alert
- Fully secure platform offering complete privacy for your searches
- For Patents PatSeer is PAAS (Platform as a service)

Non-patent data
Non-patent content
Industrial designs
Non-patent literature

- 200M+ Publications • 51K+ Journals covering Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Bio-medical, Healthcare, Energy et al • Covers Scholarly Publications, Conference Publications and Meetings
- Provision to import and do basic analysis on external data as well
- Advanced analysis after mapping external fields

General operators
Anti-proximity (outside of range)
Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)
Proximity (within range)
Wildcard operators
0-1 characters
1 character
Unlimited characters
Center truncation
Left truncation
Right truncation

Bibliographic data – At least one of the following is available: publication number, filing number, grant number, publication date, filing date, grant date, applicant name, assignee name, inventor name, patent classification.
Partial text – At least one of the following (but not all) are available: title, abstract, description, claims.
Full text – All of the following are available (where applicable for the given jurisdiction): description, claims